Wonder Project J
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Wonder Project J

Wonder Project J is a RPG video made for the SNES game console that was originally only available in Japanese. Now it had been translated into English for you to play online.


An inventor (Gepedo) was living at his house, working on a robot, I’m guessing, to keep him company. The robot was made to look like a boy, and given the name Pino (although you can rename him anything you want). The inspiration for this game was clearly taken from the story of Pinocchio. Anyway, Gepedo has passed away, so you get to take his place and use Tinker to give Pino directions. There doesn’t seem to be a very developed plot besides just going from area to area, solving whatever task that needs to be solved, and moving on. But I think this game at least deserves credit for its originality both in story and innovation (I’ve seen no other sim like it.) The ultimate goal of the game seems sort of unclear, but more things about Pino’s past are revealed as it progresses.


While interacting with Pino, the screen consists of your view of where Pino is, a sort of display menu at the bottom, and Tinker acts as your cursor. At the bottom menu you can access and modify your item inventory, check how much money you have, and see Pino’s stats. To use most objects effectively, there are certain stats and skills which Pino must have. For example, he must learn how to read before learning how to use a computer. There are several ”meters” which Pino can improve, such as strength, kindness, intelligence, and charm. Each one will assist Pino in accomplishing some kinds of tasks. For example, if he wants to win the soccer tournament, you will first need to teach him how to use a soccer ball. When first introduced to it, he might try to sniff or throw the soccer ball. Teaching Pino the correct way to interact with things is done through a system of praise and discipline. When he learns to use a soccer ball, he will need to increase his leg power and strength, which he can do through running and jumping exercises. After that, you will be able to do well in the tournament.


Just have a fun time!
