FNF Sonic 3 and Funkin
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FNF Sonic 3 and Funkin

Sonic 3 and Funkin is a Friday Night Funkin Mod featuring a brand new songs with Boyfriend and Sonic.

Funny self-review:

Sonic 3 and Funkin is a 2022 Rhythm game developed and published by Sonic 3 and Funkin Team as a modification for Psych Engine. Like previous Sonic games, Boyfriend traverse 3 Rhythm-Based levels while hitting arrows and Rapping against various Characters in this short demo release. They control Boyfriend, who attempt to retrieve the Chaos Emeralds to stop the evil Doctor Robotnik from relaunching his space station, the Death Egg, after it crash-lands on a mysterious floating island. Sonic 3 and Funkin introduces Sonic, Tails and Knuckles, the island guardian, who lays traps for Sonic and Tails. Sonic 3 and Funkin was released across gamebanana in July 2022. As with its predecessors, it was a critical and commercial success, with critics seeing it as an improvement over previous installments. Sonic 3 and Funkin sold a combined four million copies worldwide, placing them among the bestselling Friday Night Funkin Mods






Sonic 3 and Funkin Mod Credits:

Game is free to play, so if you had fun and would like to keep up-to-update on the mod and other projects they are working, make sure to subscribe and follow them on their social media pages.

Game Engine Credits:

  • Shadow Mario: Main Programmer
  • bbpanzu: Additional Programmer
  • RiverOaken: Main Artist/Animator
  • Also everyone that contributed on GitHub.

Original FNF Credits:

  • ninja_muffin99 – Programming
  • PhantomArcade3k and evilsk8r – ARTISTS
  • kawaisprite – TASTY MUSIC
  • AND everyone that contributed to the GitHub source.

The goal of this web optimized port is to make FNF and this mod more accessible to players that can’t otherwise play it on their potato PC, on a Chromebook,  on their Mac, on their Linux, or simply can’t run the EXE files on their computer. Also help save hard drive space. Please keep in mind that this online web port by KBHGAMES.com might be slightly different and/or have missing mechanics than the PC version. So make sure to also get the PC version if you have a PC.

If you want a challenge, turn off Ghost Tapping in the settings.

Recommend using Google Chrome to play for the best performance.

Jam to the beats of the rhythm and just have a fun time!
