Kanto Ultimate
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Kanto Ultimate

A challenging and revised Kanto, with a now rounded off story, harder difficulty, all legendries obtainable. 386, every hero, gym leader, and popular character from the first three generations all making an appearance.


  • * All Gen I-III obtainable, locations as they are in OG’s, mixed with their locations in G/S/C, w Gen III mixed into the region.
  • * Contains all features of Richtersnypes & Tkim’s ‘unofficial throwback’ (GB Sounds, Bills PC Trading, Faraway Island etc…)
  • * Tohjo Falls added to complete Kanto.
  • * Mt Silver addded to complete Kanto.
  • * An extra rival based on Blue from the manga.
  • * Trainer sprites updated.
  • * Johto & Hoenn Gym Leaders, All Elite Four members placed in overworld as trainers for an extra challenge.
  • * Tracey, Eusine, Wally, Ash, Silver, Ruby, Sapphire, Gold, Crystal, Yellow, Maxie, Ritchie, Drake, Archie, Butch & Cassidy in to battle also.
  • * Legendary inclusions for: Suicuine, Entei, Raikou, Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza, Celebi & Jirachi.
  • * All evolutions in game work: level up, stone, or happiness.
  • * Every trainer’s team scaled up, extra trainers added, all trainer AI maxed.
  • * Gym Leaders (all have 6), Elite Four & Rival revamped, teams and moves amended to reflect adventures, anime, & the OG games.
  • * Trainer House in Viridian from G/S/C included, allowing infinite rematches of all Kanto Gym Leaders, Elite Four, & the Rival Trainers.
  • * Kanto starters in their Yellow locations.
  • * Jessie & James battles in their Yellow locations.
  • * An extra Mew is included in its Yellow location by the truck.
  • * A few Abilities/Types/Stats changes (Lugia has drizzle, Charizard Fire/Dragon, Pikachu can use every HM, Raikou & Zapdos Volt Absorb, Legendaries & Starters stats improved etc…)


Anonymous, RichterSnipes, tkim, 0NoobGamer, Ikarus, Zel, Alex Sanchez, LinkandZelda, Lunos

Updated to v2

Just have a fun time!
