FE7: The Last Promise
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FE7: The Last Promise

Fire Emblem The Last Promise is a turn-based strategy game. A complete fan made hack with brand new storyline and adventure.

Storyline Introduction: A millennium ago, on the continent of Blaine, humans and dragons fought. Humans, unable to match the power of the dragons, gathered together and saved themselves from the brink of extinction by relocating to Solum.

On this new continent, the people were divided–and over time, each territory formed its own way of life, choosing how its people would live and what ideals they would carry.

However, this all changes when Magnus, an empire with the greatest military on the continent, begins to invade the other territories. Though their campaign is time-consuming, they are successful in every way imaginable, quickly dominating Alicia to the north and Atheya to the east.

But across the continent, there are people ready to fight back to their dying breath. One of them is Siegfried, a former Knight Commander who has been in hiding ever since an injury he received from ten years ago. With his pain serving as a reminder of the vow he made that fated day, he and his son, Shon, take up arms to gather allies and do whatever it takes to stop Magnus from dominating the continent.

Gacked by feshrine team.

Character Growths Chart:

Siegfried 120 70 90 90 40 60 40
Shon 70 40 50 45 35 25 25
Corben 85 40 50 35 50 30 20
Tamiko 65 45 45 40 30 25 40
Shuuda 75 50 50 50 25 20 25
Inanna 60 40 50 55 50 15 35
Kevin 105 55 45 35 25 40 15
Arthur 120 65 45 40 40 20 40
Storm 70 50 50 60 40 25 20
Althares 75 40 45 70 45 25 15
Cia 55 50 40 65 45 15 35
Noah 110 60 45 45 40 30 25
Haas 110 40 25 25 35 20 20
Anakin 55 35 65 50 75 30 45
Ace 80 45 45 50 40 35 25
Eduardo 125 60 40 40 35 30 30
Karina 77 40 50 45 35 25 25
Kelik 80 50 55 55 55 35 25
Levion 95 25 40 20 15 25 25
Logan 65 40 75 75 20 30 15
Itsuke 60 55 50 40 30 25 35
Asch 115 55 50 50 120 35 25
Zach 85 45 50 45 40 30 15
Lirin 75 45 40 40 25 25 30
Tekun 75 50 55 55 40 35 30
Emma 55 50 40 80 35 20 35
Ben 55 45 45 60 35 40 20
Mark 80 55 45 40 30 25 20
Liuke 125 10 70 90 110 35 25
Lyam 80 40 55 55 35 30 20
Rex 80 40 40 45 45 35 20
Yue 75 70 45 55 30 25 35
Howard 75 35 30 40 20 25 40
Sai 85 60 50 45 50 30 20
Risk 75 45 60 55 15 30 30
Liquid 65 60 80 85 35 30 35
Leopold 85 50 30 35 25 40 10
Shadow 65 25 50 45 35 30 20
Alice 70 45 45 50 50 20 25
Rana 80 40 60 45 35 20 40
Gary 90 60 35 35 0 20 20
Frederick 0 100 100 100 200 0 100
Rachel 75 50 50 50 50 30 35
Zoro 120 55 50 50 35 25 25
Ethan 90 40 40 55 50 35 25
Pellenore 120 40 40 45 35 20 25
Paul 85 50 60 35 40 25 15
Cid 85 45 35 35 40 30 35
Cero 75 30 50 55 35 20 15
Apollo 85 65 55 60 35 25 30
Regis 85 55 65 40 35 35 20
Lirianna 90 55 50 55 70 30 25
Zane 90 50 45 50 60 35 15
Fenix 0 70 55 45 30 20 15
Lahar 85 100 60 50 45 40 55


Character Recruitment Chart:

Character Class Chapter Recruitment
Siegfried Knight-Errant Prologue Automatic
Shon Gallant Prologue Automatic
Corben Cavalier 1 Automatic
Tamiko Cleric 2 Automatic
Shuuda Mercenary 3 Automatic
Inanna Pegasus Knight 3 Automatic
Kevin Knight 4 Talk with Siegfried
Arthur Monk 5 Automatic
Storm Nomad 5x or 6 Automatic
Althares Thief 6 Appears on Turn 2, Talk with Siegfried
Cia Mage 7 Automatic
Noah Mercenary 7 Step on bottom-right island area, then Noah will show up below. Talk to Noah with Shon or Shuuda. Noah will attempt to talk to Shon automatically.
Anakin* Vagrant 8 Talk with Siegfried
Ace* Soldier 8 Talk with Siegfried
Eduardo* Cavalier 8 Talk with Siegfried
Haas Nomadic Trooper 9 Automatic
Kevin Knight 11 Auto Rejoin
Karina Wyvern Rider 11 Appears on Turn 3, Talk with Anakin
Kelik Swordsman 12 Automatic
Althares Thief 12 Auto Rejoin
Levion** Paladin 12, 21 Automatic
Logan Swordsman 13A Talk with Anakin
Itsuke Mage 13A, 13B Turn 4 Automatic, Southwest Village
Asch Hero 13B Talk with Kelik
Tamiko Cleric 14 Turn 8 Rejoin
Cia Mage 14 Talk with Tamiko
Zach Archer 14 Talk to NPC Alexian Soldier Leader, Sam
Lirin Pegasus Knight 14 Talk to NPC Alexian Soldier Leader, Sam
Tekun Myrmidon 15 Automatic
Emma Troubadour 15 Visit Lower Village
Ben Wyvern Rider 16 Automatic
Shuuda Mercenary 16 Turn 5 Auto Rejoin
Inanna Pegasus Knight 16 Turn 5 Auto Rejoin
Corben Cavalier 16 Turn 8 Auto Rejoin
Mark Pirate 17 Automatic
Liuke Merchant 17 Automatic
Shon Gallant 17 Auto Rejoin
Siegfried Knight Lord 17 Walk Into Prison Room
Lyam Ranger 17 Approach Throne, then Talk with Anakin (or Automatically at End of Chapter)
Noah*** Hero 18 Call in Reinforcements by Talking to the Captain by Turn 7
Rex Soldier 19 Appears on Turn 4, Talk with Anakin or Kevin
Yue Shaman 20 Automatically
Howard Paladin 20 Talk to him with Cia in Chapter 18
Sai Fighter 20 Visit Village
Risk Swordmaster 21 Talk with Ben
Haas Nomadic Trooper 21 Turn 7 Auto Rejoin
Arthur Monk 21 Turn 7 Auto Rejoin
Storm Nomad 21 Turn 7 Auto Rejoin
Liquid Berserker 21 Have Haas fight him in Chapter 9
Leopold Wyvern Lord 22 Choose to have him join at end of Chapter 21
Shadow Assassin 23 Don’t fight him in Chapter 22
Alice FalcoKnight 23 Automatically
Rana Druid 24 Talk with Siegfried
Gary Warrior 26 Automatically, Turn 10
Frederick General 27 Talk with Siegfried, Anakin, Kelik, or Shon
Rachel Sniper 27 Talk with Frederick

Just have a fun time!
