Psycho Pinball (Sega)
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Psycho Pinball (Sega)

“Psycho Pinball” is a video game from 1994 that you can play on the Mega Drive. It’s like a super cool pinball game with different tables where you can play with a pinball.

There are four special tables you can choose from: Wild West, which looks like cowboy land; Trick or Treat, which is all spooky and Halloween-themed; The Abyss, where you dive under the sea; and Psycho, which is like a wild amusement park. The Psycho table is extra special because you can jump from one table to another by hitting the ball into tents.

On the Wild West table, there’s a lot of open space and not many things to bump into, so it’s tricky to score big points. Trick or Treat, on the other hand, has lots of ramps and is more squished together, so you can score more points. The Abyss is the only table that has two playing levels and sometimes you play with just two pinballs instead of more. If you manage to catch a pinball in a hole and hit it right, you can play with more than one ball at a time, which is a bit hard but really fun!

So, in “Psycho Pinball,” you get to whizz the pinball around different cool worlds, score points, and see if you can handle the challenge of bouncing the ball between different tables!

Just have a fun time!

How to Play:
