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Poom is remake of the classic Doom game on the Pico-8 game engine.

Mars base, Union Aerospace Corporation experiments opened a portal to Hell. You appear to be the last human, fight your way out!


Mars base, Union Aerospace Corporation experiments opened a portal to Hell. You appear to be the last human, fight your way out!
Zep for PICO-8 and support (and sneaky versions!)

ID Software for producing such a timeless game

ZDoom Wiki for their fantastic compendium of everything DOOM

LZS compression by James Bowman (https://www.excamera.com/sphinx/article-compression.html)

Beta testing & gameplay feedback by Tom Hall & Jusiv  (& my kids!)

Just have a fun time!

How to Play:

ESDF to move
Left mouse click to fire.
Right mouse click to use.
