Clutch Hitter (ARCADE)
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Clutch Hitter (ARCADE)

A cool baseball retro game.

Just have a fun time!

How to Play

Only keyboard is required to play this game. Pretend your keyboard is the a game controller.

Press [Space-Bar] after the loading and introduction screen to insert coin, then [ENTER] to PLAY.

Player 1
Inside The Game Your Keyboard
Insert Coin = [Space-Bar]
(Only work after intro. Locked during intro)
Arrrow = [WASD]
Button 1, 2, 3 = [J], [K], [L]
Button 4, 5, 6 = [I], [O], [U]

How to Play:

Batting team:
A/D: change batter on the mound.
J: Bunt
L: Swing Bat

Pitching Team:
A/D: change pitcher on the mound.
Hold L to increase power and release to pitch.
If a player in the outfeild catch a ball use WASD to run
W+L to throw to first base
D+L to throw to second base
A+L to throw to third base
S+L to throw to home base.
