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Yuca Board
Yuca is a small, fast, fun and absolutely exciting board game for 1-2 players.
We are in the inner corridor of an ancient Mayan pyramid. On the narrow path in front of us are gems, skulls and sun symbols.
Play a card:
Each player alternately plays one card. If a player plays a 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, his playing piece moves forward by the corresponding number of spaces. If an arrow card is played, the playing piece moves to the first free space. If the ? Card is played, the last card played by the opponent will be copied.
The opponent’s last played card cannot be played. For example, if the computer has played the 5, the player cannot play the 5 on his next move. But when he plays the ? Card, his playing piece also runs 5 spaces.
All gems, suns and skulls that are on the entered fields are collected. Each gem counts 1 point. The 1st skull counts 1 minus point. The 2nd skull counts 2 minus points. Etc. For each sun amulet collected, 1 skull is removed.
The player who scores the highest score wins the first leg. Then there is a return game so that each player starts the game once. An overall winner is determined from both game results. Note: A player never gets minus points in a game rating. In the worst case, you score 0 points in the first or second leg.
Just have a fun time!