Touhoumon Another World: Revised
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Touhoumon Another World: Revised

Touhoumon Another World Revised is a fan-made game that combines pokemon game with Touhou characters.


  • A new, updated cast of characters, up to Touhou 14’s roster
  • All 411 Boneka obtainable in each hack without the need to trade
  • B2W2 Repel system
  • Boneka now have more polished-looking sprites, either from 1.8 or custom-made
  • Colored natures
  • Custom cries for all Boneka, taken from 1.8 Touhoumon hacks
  • Custom-type effectiveness chart
  • Day / Night system
  • New soundtracks pulled from various other Touhoumon hacks
  • NPCs that can change abilities, IVs, natures, and even teach egg moves!
  • Physical / Special split with new moves to take advantage of it
  • Reusable TMs / Deletable HMs
  • The Faith type, also taken from 1.8 Touhoumon hacks because dragon in touhoumon is awkward
  • Typo fixes galore
  • [WLR] Contests and the Battle Frontier are edited to take into account all the new changes!
  • And much, much more!

Useful Data:


  • Game Freak / Nintendo: For creating Pokemon.
  • ZUN: For being the mastermind behind the Touhou Project and its many characters.
  • HemoglobinA1C: The original creator of Touhou Puppet Play, and spurring the wacky world of all subsequent hacks that would follow; also for creating the sprites for many of the characters.
  • AichiyaSanae: The creator of the original Another World & World Link.
  • AGSMGMaster64: The creator of World Link Deluxe, a hack with a similar idea to Revised but it’s 1.8; has been of huge help in the development of these hacks, such as being the author of a number of move animations and sprites.
  • machomuu: The creator of Another World: Remix, an earlier attempt at cleaning up the original Another World, which served as the primary inspiration for Revised as a whole.
  • Zeta Sukuna: The creator of Touhou Puppet Play Enhanced: Reloaded, which was another source of inspiration for Revised.
  • DoesntKnowHowToPlay: Their version of the Physical / Special split is used here, as well as the method for enabling custom IV / EV spreads for trainers.
  • haven1433: The creator of Hex Maniac Advance, a wondrously helpful program that was used to reorder the iDollDex in both hacks and implement most of the new abilities and moves, among many, many other things.
  • Spherical Ice: For creating, among other things, the colored stat routine used in AW.
  • DizzyEgg: For creating Dizzy’s Hacked Engine; was used to implement the B2W2 Repel system into WL, and also made the colored stats routine available for WL.
  • HackMew: For creating Advance Trainer and eXtreme Script Editor (XSE); editing trainer teams and everything script-related was all made possible thanks to these programs.
  • LU-HO: For creating Advance Map; as buggy as it may be, it still came in handy for editing maps, altering Boneka encounters, and went hand-in-hand with XSE for all sorts of script editing.
  • Lunos, Kiy, usigusom, (), & 黒インク: For creating the party selection screen edit.

Just have a fun time!
