The Hyperstone Heist: TMNT
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The Hyperstone Heist: TMNT

Released in 1992 for the Sega Genesis, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist is a side-scrolling beat ’em up game developed and published by Konami.


During a news report from Liberty Island, April O’Neil and her audience witness Manhattan Island shrinking in a flash of light. Shredder then hijacks the broadcast to demonstrate the power of the Hyperstone, a treasure from Dimension X, declaring his intent to take over the world. The Turtles must stop Shredder and retrieve the Hyperstone.


The Hyperstone Heist’s gameplay is heavily inspired by the second TMNT arcade game, Turtles in Time, which was also ported to the Super NES that year. The controls are similar, with the dash move now assigned to a specific button and the inability to throw enemies toward the screen. The game features a faster soundtrack compared to Turtles in Time and has fewer but longer levels. It also boasts a more aggressive enemy AI and faster gameplay.

Levels and Bosses

The game consists of five levels: “New York City”, “A Mysterious Ghost Ship”, “Shredder’s Hideout”, “The Gauntlet”, and “The Final Shell Shock”. These levels are a mix of new stages and those based on the first arcade game and Turtles in Time. The bosses include Leatherhead, Rocksteady, Tatsu, Baxter Stockman, Krang, and Super Shredder.

Just have a fun time!

How to Play:

Click on the “Set up keyboard” at the bottom of game to see default controllers button which correspond to your keyboard. You can also change controller button to your specification.

Only 1 player mode is operational.
