Sword & Spoon
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Sword & Spoon

Raise your Sword!
Defend the castle from the incoming Orc, Forest dweller, or anything!

Manage the castle from top to bottom,
Produce massive amount of food to feed your brave soldier in battle!
What army do you want to command? swiftly militia, blood-thirsty barbarian, or
blessed Arc leader?
Configure your very own castle management to supply and survive!

Survive the three invading race by defeating them till the last wave,
pay attention for their strength and weakness.
Journey the fresh morning, mysterious dusk, to scary nighttime!

Don’t forget to uprade the skill of your soldier,
Make your firecracker unit throw Fira bomb!
Imbue your wizard with Freezing Touch spell!
Enchant your archer arrow with fire!

Collect all the scroll!
Each invading race will drop precious scroll belong to them,
Entangle all the enemy, rain of potato, or summon dread sword!
Choose the right combination for your strategy!


Sword & Spoon is developed by Goody Gameworks.

Just Have Fun!

How to Play:

Defend the castle till the last wave of enemies.
Super boss is appearing at the end of each act.
Collect all scroll by defeating enemies from each act.
Upgrade unit and scroll to make your castle undefeatable.

Gold earned in battle can be used to build and upgrade skill of the soldier.
Lord coin earned by winning a battle can be used to upgrade unit and scroll.

Left mouse click.
Q-Reposition melee units.
W-Reposition ranged units.
CAPSLOCK-Move the camera.
1-Select 1st skill.
2-Select 2nd skill.
3-Select 3rd skill.
4-Select 4th skill.
P-Pause game.
ESC-Cancel any selection.
