Keep Your Pants On
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Keep Your Pants On

A fun dungeon crawler where you try to Keep Your Pants On. It is inspired by popular hack-and-slash titles such as Diablo and Path of Exile. Include features like weapon collecting, character growth and item randomization with elements of dungeon crawling.

Your adventure will take your through dungeons that allow you to cast spells, fire projectiles, and conquer each floor. Strategic managem your  strength, intelligence, dexterity.


55+ monsters
130+ items, along with 20+ modifiers
4 classes
18 spells
18 abilities
10+ ranged items
Shops & gear optimization
Generated gear & dungeon floors

Just have a fun time!

How to Play:

move around : arrow keys OR numpad
wait a turn : numpad5 OR R
toggle stats window: U
toggle inventory window: I
interact / go down stairs: G
autoexplore dungeon: O
restart the game: 0 as in zero
view map : zoom out with mouse wheel or +/-
press H in game for complete manual
