FNF vs YTP Invasion (Weegee V4)
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FNF vs YTP Invasion (Weegee V4)

A funny mod of Friday Night Funkin made in tribute to the 15 anniversary of YTP where boyfriend Face off against Weegee, the King, and Dr. Octogonapus in a journey through YouTube!

Still WIP, follow mod creator for updates.


  • Anchored
  • Blaster
  • Lazer

Mod Credits:

Game is free, so if you had fun and would like to keep up-to-update on the mod, make sure to support the cool mod creators on their social media by subscribing, following, liking, etc.

(Huge thanks to Tachin, Zarge, and the other Super Smash Bros. Crusade folks for supporting the project and letting me use a banger track from their game for the menu!)

  • Director
    • StashClub: Composed Anchored, did King sprites, fixed up charts
  • Artists
    • mark (did weegee assets): FGBGFijijij
    • PSL3: Did Dr. Octogonapus sprites
  • Composers
    • ZertyGB: Composed Lazer, also animated the third cutscene
    • agvids: Composed Blaster
    • Thieviouss: Composed BG Tracks For Cutscenes
    • Tachin (Menu Music)
  • Coders
    • LixianPrime: Helped implement the King
    • saqzar: Implemented basically everything tysm saqzar
    • AveryDoesStuffs: coded in the menu stuff (can’t find ur gb im sorry)
    • santi1: very awesome coder who did special stuff/coded mlgchrome
  • Charters
    • MrChompsAlot: Anchored Charter
    • Yamz: Lazer Charter
  • Cutscene Animators/Editors
    • SuperMarioMan1: Creator of the first and second cutscenes
    • Type_44: Animator for the weegee cutscene

If you want a challenge, turn off Ghost Tapping in the settings.

Recommend using Google Chrome to play for the best performance.

Jam to the beats of the rhythm and just have a fun time!
