Fallen Girl
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Fallen Girl

Fallen Girl is a lovely platformer game about saving your younger brother from sickness.

Go on an adventure to save your brother.

Play the Post-Jam version.

Just have a fun time!

How to Play:

LEFT/RIGHT to move
Z to jump and skip scenes
S to scale game pixel ratio (1:1, 1:2, 1:4)
C to restart from last checkpoint (press twice)
R to reset game from start (press twice)
H to hide lifebar

How To Play:

-The plants are poisonous and will reduce your heart count. If they reach less than zero, you are dead and will start from last checkpoint.
-Pressing Z for a different length of time will allow you to make shorter or longer jumps. Both are required to complete the game, so practice!
-You can fall off a ledge and still jump once. This is a vital gameplay mechanic that you will need to progress, since it will allow you to jump under certain obstacles
-Choose the optimal route for completing the game. Sacrifice either visibility, hearts or jumping range to progress. Be careful with your choices, and reach the end alive!
