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War Brokers (.io)
War Brokers is a FPS Battle Royale shooter where you can play on your browser without download.
You can fly helicopters, shoot tanks, drive APC’s, or fight on foot. There are tons of weapons to choose from to fit your style of play as well as tons of detailed levels to explore.
In Missile launch:
The objective of the game is to raise missiles if you are on the offensive team or keep the other team from raising missiles if you are on the defensive team.
Missiles are marked on the map by green circles. If a missile is being raised it will flash red. If the missile has been launched the circle will be solid red. You raise a missile by going up to it and holding the F key. You will see the missile being raised while doing so. If you let go it will fall twice as fast as it raised.
The first missile takes 25 seconds to raise, the second 20 seconds, and the final one 15 seconds. Multiple people raising a missile at the same time speeds up the time it takes.
In Package Delivery:
The objective of the game is to pick up the package which will be at the white star on the minimap. Once you pick it up you will see a green circle on the minimap that you need to drop the package off at. If the star is flashing red the enemy has the package and you need to stop them before they drop it off at their designated spot. If the star is green one of your team mates has the package. Help them delivery it by killing enemies trying to stop them.
Once the package is delivered a new one will parachute into the level.
Bomb Disposal:
The objective in bomb disposal is to disarm bombs in the office if you are on the offensive team or keep the other team from disarming the bombs if you are on the defensive team.
Bombs are marked on the map by green circles. If a bomb is being disarmed it will flash red. If the bomb has been disarmed the circle will be solid red. You disarm a bomb by going up to it and holding the F key. If you let go the disarm time will increase twice as fast as it took to disarm the bomb.
The first Bomb takes 25 seconds to disarm, the second 20 seconds, and the final one 15 seconds. Multiple people disarming a bomb at once speeds up the disarm time.
In Team Deathmatch your team is trying to kill as many enemies as possible.
In pistol deathmatch everyone is on their own and only has pistols.
Just have a fun time!
How to Play:
W ~ Forward
A ~ Left Strafe
S ~ Backwards
D ~ Right Strafe
C ~ Crouch Toggle
F ~ Enter/Exit vehicle (A message will display saying Press F to enter vehicle when you are close enough). Pickup or drop the package in the package game mode.
SHIFT ~ Hold breath when zoomed to steady your aim.
LEFT CTRL ~ Toggle sprint run
SPACE ~ Jump. After your first jump you can wall jump a couple more times off of a vertical surface to get to higher areas.
LEFT Mouse button ~ Fire
MIDDLE Mouse button ~ quick select knife (switches from active weapon to knife or from knife back to previous weapon)
RIGHT Mouse button ~ Zoom while held down
– ~ Minimap zoom out.
+ ~ Minimap zoom in.
n ~ Large minimap
1 ~ select primary weapon. (Your primary weapon can be set from the main menu)
2 ~ select secondary weapon. (Your secondary weapon can be set from the main menu)
3 ~ select pistol
4 ~ select knife
5 ~ Select grenades. (Press fire to cook the grenade, release fire to throw grenade). The grenade goes off after 5 seconds. You only 3 grenades a life.
6 ~ select BGM ( when fired it is a missile you can fly from the missiles view point). Press LEFT Mouse button to boost the speed of the missile, release LEFT Mouse button to slow it down. You only get one BGM missile per match so use it wisely.
7 ~ select airstrike (Aim at a point and press fire. Bombs will rain down on that point after a couple seconds). Good for stopping a point from being captured or a difficult enemy vehicle. You only get one airstrike per match so use it wisely.
0 ~ The zero key on the top of the keyboard will toggle the Frame rate display.
m ~ Main menu, from here you can customize your character, vehicles, set your weapon slots, turn on/off graphics options (click on the gear symbol/icon), view missions, and open crates.(edited)
W ~ Climb
A ~ Rotate Left (Yaw left)
S ~ Descend
D ~ Rotate Right (Yaw right)
C ~ Toggle view (third persona and first person)
Q ~ launch flares (to counter guided missile when you get the missile lock warning). You have 3 flares and they take 45 seconds to reload once out.
Mouse Up ~ Pitch nose down (You can invert this in the settings)
Mouse Down ~ Pitch nose down
Mouse Left ~ Roll helicopter to the left
Mouse Right ~ Roll helicopter to the Right
Mouse Left Click ~ Fire Missiles
Mouse Right Click ~ Hold to zoom