FBI Open Up!
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FBI Open Up!

FBI Open Up! is shooter game where you get to join in on exciting shootouts with awesome music! Dive into the game and feel the thrill and power as you play.

Each level is like a new adventure, full of different places to see, cool weapons to try, and all sorts of enemies to challenge. Plus, the music keeps you moving and pumped up the whole time. Get ready for a wild ride of fun and excitement!


FBI Open Up! is developed by JustPlay.

Just Have Fun!

How to Play:

  • Character control:
    •  WASD — character movement
    •  Left shift — running
    •  Space — jump
    •  C — sit down
  • Interaction with weapons:
    •  Left mouse button — shoot
    •  Right mouse button — sight
    •  R — recharge
    •  You can change weapons using the mouse wheel or keys 1, 2, 3…