Darkness Survivors
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Darkness Survivors

Immerse yourself in the shadowy realms of “Darkness Survivors,” a thrilling 2D action RPG designed to test your mettle against a host of sinister creatures lurking in the darkness. In this high-octane game, you have the chance to choose from four distinct heroes, each with their own unique abilities and playstyles, to battle through hordes of enemies and survive the night.

Meet Lady Elowen, the fierce swordswoman whose blade dances as deadly as it slices through the night; Rob the Ranger, whose precision with throwing knives is unmatched; Ravenna Fireheart, a fearless fighter who wields boomerangs that cut through the air and enemies alike; and Daeriean the Red, a wise old mage whose mastery of spells and incantations can alter the course of battle.

As you dive deeper into the dark, gather diamonds scattered across the battlefield to enhance your hero’s abilities. Each battle won not only tests your skills but also offers the opportunity to upgrade your hero’s armor, increase their resilience, and boost their combat prowess.

Strategize and adapt your approach with each character’s unique skills to unleash devastating combos and defeat waves of monstrous entities. Will you rise as a beacon of hope in the darkness, or will the overwhelming forces of evil consume you? Prepare to harness your courage, refine your strategies, and embark on an unforgettable adventure in “Darkness Survivors.” Join the fight and prove yourself as the ultimate survivor against the creeping horrors of the night.


Before entering the battlefield, you must choose one hero with the greatest ability to fight in intense combat.

  • Lady Elowen: She is trained to use the sword without fear.
  • Rob the Ranger: Rob is throwing knives when he detects enemies.
  • Ravenna Fireheart: Ravenna’s favorite weapon is the boomerang.
  • Daerian the Red: Daerian is like a magician who likes to throw spells.

Amulet Shop

Amulets are lucky features that are beneficial for your hero. All the extra power amulets can be found in the Amulet Shop. With the coins collected, you can purchase the items that you consider helpful. Here are the boosters you can choose to buy:

  • Strong: raises inflicted damage by 5%
  • Vitality Boost: augments max health by 10%
  • Guardian Shield: reduces incoming damage by 10%
  • Extra Projectile: fires 1 more projectile (all weapons)
  • Reload Speed: attack rate 2,5% faster
  • Area of Impact: increases area of attacks by 5%
  • Projectile Speed: projectiles move 10% faster
  • Effect Duration: effects from weapons last 15% longer
  • Heroic Swiftness: hero moves 5% faster
  • Gem Attraction: gems pickup range +25%
  • Fortune’s Favor: chance to get lucky goes up by 10%
  • Experience Infusion: gains 3% more experience

Achievements section

To be a true hero means to fulfill as many achievements as possible. Let yourself do experiments on the battlefield and try new things whenever possible. How many achievements can you obtain? Let’s take a look at the list of them.

  • First Blood: kill 1 enemy
  • Night Hunter: kill 20 enemies
  • Looter: collect 40 gems
  • Cryptologist: reach level 5
  • Regicide: destroy one boss
  • Arachnophobia: kill 200 spiders
  • Photophobia: destroy 25 torches
  • Evil Scholar: reach level 15
  • Pest Control: kill 50 wasp
  • Dark Survivor: reach level 25
  • Demon Slayer: Destroy 3 bosses
  • Ghostbuster: kill 50 wraiths
  • Lights out: destroy 50 torches
  • Monster Hunter: kill 1000 enemies
  • Shadow Master: reach level 35
  • Loot Finder: open 5 chest
  • Exterminator: kill 2000 enemies
  • Lord of Light: kill 50 Frosttrevenants
  • Superstitious: collect 100 Promos
  • Darkness Hero: complete the game

Collection section

In the Collection section, you will be able to see all the items you already have for the heroes. These items level up the skills and courage to face the waves of dangerous creatures. With time, you will be able to activate all of the boosters to become invincible in the darkness.


Darkness Survivors is developed by FreezeNova.

Just Have Fun!
